Lumby hatching chicken bylaw

Nine people attended a public hearing Monday to provide input on a bylaw that would permit laying hens

Proposed zoning changes are giving Lumby residents something to crow about.

About nine people attended a public hearing Monday to provide input on a bylaw that would permit laying hens on any lot that contains a single-family dwelling and is zoned rural or residential (except the residential manufactured home park zone).

“An entire family showed up to support chickens,” said Mayor Kevin Acton.

“One woman was concerned about feed being stored in backyards and attracting rodents.”

The main goal behind urban hens is to promote food sustainability. Roosters would not be allowed as a way of reducing noise conflict.

The proposed bylaw also would permit secondary suites and no one spoke about that at the hearing.

“Secondary suites are a way of providing people with affordable places to live,” said Acton.

“It also helps young families get started with a home with a mortgage helper.”

Council gave third reading to the bylaw Monday and adoption will be considered at a future date.


Vernon Morning Star