Lumby has a number of social agencies including the community thrift shop. - Morning Star file photo

Lumby has a number of social agencies including the community thrift shop. - Morning Star file photo

Lumby looking to fill high-profile jobs

Director of finance, public works superintendent hand in resignations

The Village of Lumby has a couple of high-profile job vacancies.

The village is looking for a new director of finance and public works superintendent following the resignations of, respectively, Jeremy Sundin and Dave Manson.

“Both have moved on to new and better things for their life and we’re excited to hear about their new adventures as they go forward,” said Mayor Kevin Acton. “We will be looking to fill those positions with able and capable people.”

Sundin’s new adventure is with the Okanagan Regional Library, where he has accepted a similar position. It’s unclear as to what or where Manson is headed to.

Information on both positions can be found at the village website.

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