Lumby looks to choke idling, budget begins

Lumby residents will have a say in proposed anti-idling rules

Lumby residents will have a say in proposed anti-idling rules.

Council has given three readings to a bylaw amendment that would prohibit a vehicle from idling for more than three minutes as a way of reducing pollution.

“There will be an opportunity for the public to give feedback before final consideration (by council),” said Mayor Kevin Acton.

“We are already getting some input. There are a few people concerned about the elderly going into vehicles not air conditioned or warm enough. But three minutes is enough time for the air conditioner or heat to kick in.”

And if the bylaw is adopted, Acton insists the process will be complaint driven and village staff will not actively be looking for infractions.

Failure to comply could result in a $100 fine.

Budget process begins

The Village of Lumby is starting to work towards a 2016 budget.

Council has been presented with staff information on issues to consider as part of the financial plan and the timeline to have the document completed.

“There is a suggestion of a tax increase of the consumer price index plus one per cent as a starting point but nothing has been set yet,” said Mayor Kevin Acton.

Among the potential components of the budget are subdivision servicing bylaw updates, replacing public works vehicles, master water plan revitalization, work and inflationary salary increases for staff.

“Staff will work earnestly to draft a plan that is fiscally responsible and meets the needs of the community now and in the future,” said Jeremy Sundin, director of finance, in a report.


Vernon Morning Star