Lumby motorists, residents and businesses are asked to be patient as works gets underway around town to replace old water mains.

Lumby motorists, residents and businesses are asked to be patient as works gets underway around town to replace old water mains.

Lumby repairs cause disruptions

Residents, tourists and businesses are asked to be patient as traffic and water disruptions flow in village

Residents, tourists and businesses are asked to be patient as traffic and water disruptions flow in Lumby.

Water main replacements are currently underway on Glencaird and Shuswap avenues and will extend out to the industrial area.

“The lines into the town are very old,” said Mayor Kevin Acton. “We’re upgrading all of those with some grants we’ve received.”

Work will be completed in sections and is planned to be wrapped up this fall before the snow flies.

Businesses will also experience some disruptions sometime within the next couple weeks.

“We’re going to have to turn the water off for several days,” said Acton. “So people need to prepare for that.”


Vernon Morning Star