Lumby reviews anti-idling

Council instructed staff Monday to amend bylaws so anti-idling rules apply to all vehicles.

The brakes could soon be put on all Lumby residents letting their vehicles run.

Council instructed staff Monday to amend bylaws so anti-idling rules apply to all vehicles. Currently, they only target commercial vehicles.

“We want to do our part to help the environment,” said Mayor Kevin Acton of extending the bylaw to include residential cars and trucks.

Vehicles could only run for three minutes before having to be turned off.

“That’s plenty of time to warm it up and clear the windows,” said Acton.

It’s expected that council will discuss amendments to the bylaw Nov. 2, but Acton admits enforcement could be a challenge.

“It will be complaint driven,” he said of the process.

“It’s mostly to create awareness and educate people that running your car while you are in the store is not good for the environment.”


Vernon Morning Star