Lumby withdraws liaison for arts issues

The village has decided to no longer designate a council representative for Monashee Arts Council meetings

Lumby officials won’t attend cultural discussions but that doesn’t mean the issue is being ignored.

The village has decided to no longer designate a council representative for Monashee Arts Council meetings.

“They have good representation to our council meetings and they are doing an excellent job communicating with us,” said Mayor Kevin Acton.

While there won’t be an official liaison to the arts council, Acton is confident the existing relationship with the organization will provide an ongoing focus on arts and cultural issues that are important to the community.

It was decided to no longer send a councillor to the Monashee Arts Council so the village can maximize resources.

Committee appointments have been assigned to council for 2013.

Acton will still be the village’s representative to the Regional District of North Okanagan and the White Valley Community Resource Centre.

Coun. Jo Anne Fisher is the liaison to the Lumby Chamber of Commerce and Lumby Senior Housing Society, while Coun. Nick Hodge will go to the Municipal Insurance Association.

Coun. Lori Mindnich will attend Okanagan Regional Library and the Lumby Health Services Society, while Coun. Randal Ostafichuk will go to the White Valley Parks, Recreation and Culture Committee.


Vernon Morning Star