Lunch music at library

Alex Zamoraro and Curtis Wolfe will play their musical instruments on separate occasions at the 100 Mile library this month

Library patrons who enjoy music may wish to note two local musicians will play their musical instruments at the 100 Mile House Branch Library during the lunch hour on two separate Wednesdays this month, beginning at noon.

Today, (Aug. 15) 100 Mile resident Alex Zamoraro will play classical guitar music in the Bossa Nova style.

It is Brazilian music style developed during the 1950s and its origins come from samba and jazz.

On Aug. 22, Curtis Wolfe will play both the violin and the viola.

His repertoire of genres includes classical, Spanish, fiddle music, bluegrass and western.

Further information about these Cariboo Regional District Library events is available by stopping by the 100 Mile House Branch Library at 449 Birch Ave., or by calling the library at 250-395-2332.


100 Mile House Free Press