Some old docks could be removed from Mabel Lake in the Kingfisher area.

Some old docks could be removed from Mabel Lake in the Kingfisher area.

Mabel Lake docks to be ripped out

The Enderby and District Services Commission will issue a request for proposal to have about nine old docks removed

Action could be taken to eliminate a potential safety hazard on Mabel Lake.

The Enderby and District Services Commission will issue a request for proposal to have about nine old docks removed from the breakwater.

“We want to get them cleaned up,” said Herman Halvorson, director.

“If there’s a storm and they break away, they could cause a problem (for boaters).”

The docks were attached to the existing breakwater two or three years ago by the former owner of the property.

There has been an ongoing concern about the docks.

“One reportedly broke away last summer during a massive storm and was guided to shore,” said Tate Bengtson, chief administrative officer.

The commission is also investigating the possibility of a new breakwater for Mabel Lake.



Vernon Morning Star