MacDougall is back

The preliminary results are in, and so is Rob MacDougall for mayor.

The preliminary results are in, and so is Rob MacDougall for mayor.

The preliminary results of the District of Fort St. James 2011 municipal election were released this weekend after polls closed on Saturday and the votes were counted.

It was a close mayoral race between Rob MacDougall and Ann McCormick, with MacDougall coming out on top with 220 votes. McCormick was a close second with 182 votes, and incumbent Sandra Harwood was third with 75 votes and Brenda Gouglas close behind her with 52 votes.

Of the five councillor candidates, Joan Burdeniuk won a seat with 386 votes, Riley Willick won one with 365 votes, incumbent Dave Birdi retained hiswith 364 votes and Russ Gingrich is back in the political arena with 295 votes. Dave Burgess was the one candidate to not gain a seat with 244 votes.

The final confirmed results are expected to be released soon.


Caledonia Courier