Over the years, Magi Scallion has held numerous roles in town and currently works with Sled Golden. (Magi Scallion photo)

Magi Scallion fully engaged in Golden’s local businesses

Magi Scallion arrived in Golden in 2013 and has been woven into Golden's business scene ever since

  • Mar. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Since her arrival in 2013, Magi Scallion has left her fingerprints all over Golden’s local business industry.

Running her own small business as a consultant for local businesses, doing everything from strategic planning to basic administrative duties, Scallion has also spent time on the Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce, worked with Tourism Golden, formerly ran the Golden Ultra and is currently president of Sled Golden.

It’s truly a testament to her business prowess that she was hired by Sled Golden despite not being a sledder herself.

“I was hired because I’m a good networker and good at forming relationships with the business background they wanted,” said Scallion.

Prior to her arrival in Golden, Scallion lived in Canmore, where she trained as a cross country ski racer at the elite level, as well as trail running. There, she also worked at the Nordic Centre for the Government of Alberta as the manager of events and marketing.

However, she soon began to think of bigger things, leaving Canmore to earn her MBA at Queen’s University, the same school where she earned her Bachelor of Commerce.

It wasn’t long before she heard the mountains calling again, bringing her extensive business background and expertise to Golden.

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“I realized I love small towns and the mountains, I had done my time in Canmore and had made some big changes in that community, so I figured to come to Golden next,” said Scallion.

“I’ve loved meeting people in the community and that’s what led me to create the Golden Ultra, it was my way to contribute to Golden form a tourism and economic standpoint, it’s something I’m passionate about.”

It’s that sense of community that keeps Scallion active in Golden throughout the years, pushing her to volunteer and keep working towards improving Golden and the local businesses here.

“My dad told me that it doesn’t matter so much the job you do, it’s the people you work with,” said Scallion.

“If you’re working with great people it can be the best job you’ve ever had, even if it’s not a perfect fit.”

She’s been active over the years in the sporting community as well as an athlete herself, working with Fast and Female in Canmore alongside former Olympian Chandra Crawford, saying that sports are great for female body-image and confidence.

Combining the two, Scallion says that she believes there’s plenty of space for women in business and in sport, saying that women have their own unique perspective to bring to the table.

“We’re socialized differently than boys, I’m not saying we’re better, just different and there’s space for that in all levels of business,” said Scallion.

It’s a piece of advice she would like to pass along to any women coming up in business – to embrace themselves and excel because of it.

“Don’t try to be a man, take the qualities that make you tick and let them shine. You don’t have to be aggressive or masculine to do well, you can embrace your feminine side.”

Scallion says she enjoys what she does, working with diverse businesses in Golden and with plenty of opportunity to keep her busy.

International Women’s Day was first celebrated on March 19, 1911, in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. The United Nations later started celebrating on March 8.

In 2021 it should be no surprise that more and more woman hold positions of power. Whether it’s business, politics, sports or the non-profit sector, woman continue to achieve new milestones.

This story is part of a series of stories highlighting four women in Golden who are leaders in their fields. You can read all of their stories in our annual publication called Women in Business in the March 11 issue of The Golden Star.

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