The remaining maintenance on the 18 kilometre section of Heckman Pass on the Bella Coola Hill is still ongoing and is slated to be finished sometime next month. (Michael Bednar photo taken in the fall 2017)

The remaining maintenance on the 18 kilometre section of Heckman Pass on the Bella Coola Hill is still ongoing and is slated to be finished sometime next month. (Michael Bednar photo taken in the fall 2017)

Maintenance continues on Highway 20’s Bella Coola Hill

Work slated to conclude in mid-Sept.

  • Aug. 20, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure states that the remaining maintenance on the 18 kilometre section of Heckman Pass on the Bella Coola Hill is still ongoing and is slated to be finished sometime next month.

Gravelling of the entire 18.3 kilometres of Heckman pass took place from June 4 and concluded on Aug. 2. Work included grader reshaping, hauling and spreading gravel, as well as packing and spraying with calcium for base stabilization.

Sealcoating in the valley is also currently taking place, from the bottom of Heckman Pass to Jourdenais Road in Hagensborg. Work began around the middle of July, and is expected to be complete by mid-Sept.

Williams Lake Tribune