A car sits on the sidewalk on Mar Street after the driver ran into the side of the old Zellers building at Third Avenue and Mar. One man was airlifted to hospital with life-threatening injuries.

A car sits on the sidewalk on Mar Street after the driver ran into the side of the old Zellers building at Third Avenue and Mar. One man was airlifted to hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Man airlifted to Victoria after driving into side of building in Alberni

A man has been airlifted to hospital in Victoria after a single vehicle accident in Port Alberni's uptown.

A man has been airlifted to hospital in Victoria after suffering life-threatening injuries in a single-vehicle accident in Port Alberni’s uptown, Thursday morning (March 27, 2014).

“At 9:26 a.m. a series of 911 calls started coming in for a single vehicle that crashed into a building at Third Avenue and Mar Street,” Port Alberni RCMP Cpl. Jen Allan said. “The vehicle had been (travelling) north on Third Avenue and went off road into the building at the northeast corner of the four-way stop intersection.”

The car smashed into one of the windows of the former Zellers building, which has been vacant for the past year. Construction crews have done some work to the building, now owned by Coulson Group. It is not known if anyone was in the building at the time of the crash.

The driver of the grey sedan was the sole occupant of the vehicle, Allan said. He was transported to West Coast General Hospital and flown out to Victoria. The driver appeared to be the only person injured in the accident, she added.

“Because of the level of injury, we will be calling upon our reconstructionist for assistance with this investigation,” she added.

Alberni Valley News