Man arrested in Mission murder case

Charged with second-degree murder and indignity to a human body after human remains were found near Stave Lake in Mission.

  • Apr. 1, 2016 8:00 p.m.

A 29-year-old Burnaby man has been arrested and charged in connection with the murder of a woman whose remains were discovered near Stave Lake in Mission on March 29.

According to the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT), Ryan Jack Armstrong was arrested in connection with this homicide; he now faces charges of second-degree murder and indignity to a human body.

“The victim has been tentatively identified; however, confirmation is being sought through an autopsy. Our early investigative theory supports this is a targeted homicide and it is believed that the victim and suspect were known to each other,” said Sgt. Stephanie Ashton, media relations officer with IHIT.

“An important piece to this investigation was the support of the public who came forward with information that has aided in the rapid progression from initial investigation to charge approval. IHIT also credits Mission RCMP with immediate containment of the crime scene and subsequent assistance with managing the investigation as key to ensuring this outcome.”

Armstrong appeared in court on March 31 and has been remanded in custody until his next court appearance on April 21.


Mission City Record