Man facing child porn charges was Maple Ridge football club volunteer

Douglas James McNally no longer with Knights

Man facing child porn charges was Maple Ridge football club volunteer

A man recently charged with possessing child pornography volunteered with a local minor football club until at least last year, despite being flagged in a police investigation three years prior.

Douglas James McNally is listed as a coach for the Meadowridge Knights flag football team for 2010 on the club’s website.

The 67-year-old currently faces one count each of importing or distributing child porn and possessing child pornography.

The accusations have yet to be proven in court.

A parent whose son plays for one of the Knights’ teams was disturbed to learn that McNally had first appeared on the radar of Ridge Meadows RCMP four years ago, but still continued to volunteer with the Maple Ridge-based football club until 2010.

“I am sickened by this,” said the mother, who requested anonymity.

“He had access to young children through the Meadow Ridge Knights football club. He was the equipment manager and fitted young kids with uniforms. I am wondering where’s the criminal record check?”

In a search warrant application, police revealed that McNally was flagged in 2007 by Canada’s National Child Exploitation Coordination Centre, which passed the information to the RCMP’s Integrated Child Exploitation Unit (ICE).

The ICE investigation lead police to an address in Maple Ridge where McNally lived and those details were forwarded to Ridge Meadows RCMP.

But local police were unable to act on the information “due to delays” and closed the file.

A CD containing images of child abuse related to the file was also destroyed.

In 2011, however, police received another cyber tip and acted on it quickly.

Police were granted a search warrant in June to search McNally’s house, where a computer, laptop, cell phone and cameras were seized.

In August, Crown approved charges against him.

Although McNally was the subject of an investigation in 2007, a police spokesperson said that information may have not been revealed on a criminal record check because there were no charges laid and the matter never went to court.

The Meadow Ridge Knights assure players and parents that McNally is no longer involved with the football club.

“This news is most disappointing to the club and we are deeply concerned,” said club president Bruce Rodgers. “It is our practice to have criminal history checks done on all volunteers and history checks, in this case, did not reveal anything. The safety and well being of our players is our top priority.”

McNally has since been released on bail, but is bound by conditions that include no contact with anyone younger than 16. He must also stay away from parks, daycares, swimming pools or anywhere children may be present.

He is not allowed to access the Internet except for work, banking and to communicate with family.


Maple Ridge News