Man was killed yesterday while cutting firewood near McKilligan Road. (File photo)

Man killed while cutting firewood

Accident took place Jan. 4 east of Houston

An RCMP spokesperson is calling the death of a man yesterday while out cutting firewood a tragic accident.

“Two men were out getting firewood for personal use near McKillgan Road, east of Houston. During the course of cutting and bucking trees, one of the men was injured and succumbed to his injuries on scene,” said Corporal Madonna Saunderson.

“This appears to be a tragic accident. In order to respect the family’s privacy, the name of the deceased will not be released by police,” she said.

Members of the Houston RCMP detachment and BC Ambulance Service paramedics initially responded to the accident.

Houston RCMP and the BC Coroners Service are investigating the accident.

Burns Lake Lakes District News