Man reported to have harassed two young boys at the Cowichan Aquatic Centre on Jan. 11, before exposing himself to the boys and their mother in parking lot. (File photo)

Man reported to have harassed two young boys at the Cowichan Aquatic Centre on Jan. 11, before exposing himself to the boys and their mother in parking lot. (File photo)

Man makes lewd gestures in parking lot of Cowichan Aquatic Centre, after scaring boys in changeroom

Woman, two young boys, traumatized by series of events

Lisa Aeichele and her young son and his friend got more than they bargained for on a night out on Jan. 11.

Aeichele’s said her sons and his friend, aged 10 and 11, were in the hot tub at the Cowichan Aquatic Centre on Friday night when a man, wearing underwear, who was also in the hot tub, began to make them uncomfortable with some of his words and actions.

The man, who is white and described as between 45 and 50 years old, then followed the boys into the changing rooms when they left the hot tub and became agitated with them when they wouldn’t take off their towels, and offered to take them off for them.


Aeichele said the man then confronted her and her sons in the aquatic centre’s parking lot where he began to touch his penis in his pants, standing in front of their car and seemed to want to get in the car with them.

“I got the centre’s security people and they removed him from the area, but for smoking for some reason,” she said.

“I then took the boys to Wendy’s, which is across the street, and went through the restaurant’s drive-thru and this guy turned up there as well. He started gyrating his hips outside of my car and blowing us kisses.”

Aeichele said she phoned the RCMP, but the man ran off before the police arrived.

The police investigation into the incident is continuing.

“It’s hard to describe exactly how we felt after these bizarre confrontations with this man, but I’m outraged that the boys had to go through this,” Aeichele said.

Aeichele described the man as being approximately five-foot-10, about 150 pounds, balding, unshaved and missing a front tooth.

At the time of the incident at the drive-thru, he was wearing a black hoodie with an anarchy logo on the front and black and grey New York jogger pants.

A statement from the Municipality of North Cowichan, which operates the aquatic centre, said that whenever North Cowichan receives complaints about violations of its user code of conduct at the aquatic centre, the municipality thoroughly investigates to determine what actions may be appropriate to repond to the complaints.

“At this time, we are in the process of confirming the details of what occurred on Friday evening,” the statement said.

This story has been corrected from an initial version that stated the two boys were both Lisa Aeichele’s sons.

robert.barron@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Cowichan Valley Citizen