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Man shot, IIO investigating

The Independent Investigations Office of BC says it will have updates early next week

The Independent Investigations Office of BC is currently investigating an incident after a man was taken to hospital with a gunshot wound to his shoulder.

According to acting director of public engagement with IIO, Marten Youssef, the office will have an update early next week.

“At approximately 12:30 p.m (Thursday), a Kelowna RCMP officer was dispatched to assist a Kelowna city bylaw officer, in attending to a complaint of a homeless camp, on Duck Lake Road, north of Kelowna,” according to an RCMP release.

“The officers engaged a male camper, who is alleged to have produced a knife, and approached the officers. Efforts were made to de-escalate the situation. Ultimately the Kelowna RCMP officer was unable to resolve the situation and it is alleged (they) discharged their firearm, striking the male.”

The man was transported to hospital but it is still unknown if he has been released.

Kelowna Capital News