Man under arrest shatters picture frame, showering glass on himself and cop

Terrace RCMP responded to approximately 102 calls for service from October 31st, 8 a.m. till November 3rd, 8 a.m.

  • Nov. 3, 2014 10:00 a.m.

Terrace RCMP responded to approximately 102 calls for service from October 31st, 8 a.m. till November 3rd, 8 a.m.

During the same time period, eight people were lodged in Terrace cells – one person was lodged for intoxication.

Here are some of the calls responded to:

Group of people drinking outside of a green Ford truck in an alley behind Lazelle Ave. Police spoke with the group. The driver was sober. Some alcohol was dumped. A 42-year-old woman was arrested on four outstanding warrants out of Terrace.

Firecrackers were lit inside of a mailbox on Cypress St. during the night of October 30/31st. Mail was burnt.

A grey 2006 Toyota Sienna was vandalized while it was parked on Graham Ave. on October 31st at 5:30 p.m. A blunt object hit the driver’s side door and caused a dent.

Domestic assault. A 27-year-old man was arrested. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

Police observed a man struggling with two women outside of a house party on Lazelle Ave. Investigation determined that it was a domestic assault. An intoxicated 23-year-old man was arrested. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

A man trying to fight people at a party on Lazelle Ave. and refusing to leave. Police spoke with the man and directed him to leave. He refused. The 21-year-old man was arrested. Checks determined that he had a notice to serve a driving prohibition. Same done.

Theft of an iPhone charger from an unlocked vehicle parked on Straume Ave.

Police observed two people fighting on the ground on Sparks St. A woman stood up and kicked a man in the face. The 20-year-old woman was arrested. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

Police observed a red 1990 Chevrolet truck being driven in an erratic manner on the Gitaus Reserve. Police turned around to follow the vehicle and located it in the ditch. The driver was uninjured. He was prohibited from driving. The vehicle did not have insurance. The 39-year-old driver provided two samples of breath that were well over double the legal limit. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel. The vehicle was impounded.

A 17-year-old girl entered a home on Hundal Dr., helped herself to a blanket, and passed out on a couch. Police woke up the intoxicated girl and advised her that she was in the wrong house. She was transported to her home.

A green 2006 Dodge Caravan and a blue 2004 Ford F350 collided at Kalum St./Park Ave. No injuries. The Dodge sustained severe damage and was towed.

Domestic assault. A man gained access to a woman’s residence and uttered threats and assaulted her. Police arrested a 45-year-old man. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

Loss Prevention Officer of Walmart arrested a 14-year-old boy for shoplifting. Police arrested the boy. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

Man passed out inside of a restaurant on Lakelse Ave. Upon rousing the 20-year-old man, he jumped over a booth and ran into the washroom. Control was gained of the man after a struggle. When escorting the man out, he lunged backwards and caused the police officer to back into a glass picture frame and it smashed, covering the police officer and man in broken glass. Additional police officers attended to assist. The man was in breach of a recognizance condition of not to consume alcohol. There was also a warrant for his arrest out of Prince Rupert. He is held for court.

A black 2014 Chevrolet Cruze in the ditch on McConnell Ave. The driver fled the scene. The driver made attempt a short time later to report the vehicle stolen. Police arrested the 34-year-old driver. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

Break and enter to a residence on Apsley St. on November 2nd at 3:30 a.m. The homeowner was woken up by the intruder shining a flashlight into her bedroom. Items stolen were a Samsung LED 32-inch TV, white Black and Decker toaster oven, Ritech digital photo frame, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Hamilton Beach coffee maker, Sierra wireless air card LTE, and a change purse.

The top of a brown 1989 BMW convertible parked on Apsley St. was sliced open.

Police observed a group of people sitting in the band shelter at George Little Park. Checks determined that an intoxicated boy was on conditions to not consume alcohol. The 17-year-old boy was arrested and is held for court.

Suicidal woman. Police tracked the woman by her cell phone to Kerby St. She was located sitting in the grass. She was delusional and seeing demons. Police apprehended the 23-year-old woman under the Mental Health Act and transported her to Mills Memorial Hospital.

Two men and a woman causing problems at a restaurant on Lakelse Ave. The group was located at the George Little Park. Checks determined that a 20-year-old man was in breach of probation condition of curfew. Upon arrest, break and enter tools were found on his person which was another violation of his probation. He is held for court. The other man was in breach of undertaking condition of not to consume alcohol. This 33-year-old man was arrested. Charges are being forwarded.

An intoxicated man passed out in a ditch on Spokeshute St. Police arrested a 22-year-old man. He was in breach of probation condition of not be outside of his residence when under the influence of alcohol. He is held for court.

There were about eight calls related to fireworks and another six related to youth causing disturbances around town directly related to Halloween.

If you have information about this crime contact the Terrace RCMP at 250-638-7400 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers by telephone at 1-800-222-TIPS, online at or by texting TERRACE plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). ‘If your information leads to an arrest, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.

Terrace Standard

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