Pictured with his son Decker, Kyle Blanleil of Kelowna came to Salmon Arm recently to meet Halle, Matt and Carolyn Krawczyk. Halle needs surgery for cancer, a rare form of chordoma. Sixteen years ago Blanleil was diagnosed with a type of chordoma and was told he had just five years to live, most of them in a wheelchair. He is raising funds for Halle. (Contributed)

Man who faced terminal prognosis offers hope to 12-year-old Salmon Arm girl

Kelowna man who defied doctors' predictions regarding spinal cancer raises funds for Shuswap family

Salmon Arm Observer


Andres and Donna Blanleil pose with son Kyle 15 years ago in Vancouver when he was recovering from a 23-hour surgery to remove a cancerous tumour from his spine. (Contributed)

Pictured with his son Decker, Kyle Blanleil of Kelowna came to Salmon Arm recently to meet Halle, Matt and Carolyn Krawczyk. Halle needs surgery for cancer, a rare form of chordoma. Sixteen years ago Blanleil was diagnosed with a type of chordoma and was told he had just five years to live, most of them in a wheelchair. He is raising funds for Halle. (Contributed)Halle Krawczyk of Salmon Arm celebrated her 12th birthday in November 2020. Halle suffers from a rare form of cancer and needs surgery in the U.S., but her family must raise up to $200,000 to be able to support her for her six-month stay. (Photo contributed)