Man with dog should do the right thing

Cowichan – What a shame the male couldn’t man up and be the type of man he might want his kid to be proud of, to give his name and to help out.

His big, young off-leash dog attacked the Gallants’ little wee dog, Coco, July 4. He wouldn’t give his name nor help out, he wouldn’t take responsibility and claimed that somehow it was okay because his dog was still a puppy.

Well Coco, a miniature yorkie, is now injured and maybe worse. The Gallants are devastated but determined to keep looking until there is some word of their dog, Coco.

Folks, keep an eye on your dog at all times. Dog owners do the right thing and keep an eye on your dog at all times. This happened because of the owner, not because of the dog. This type of situation can be avoided.

Maybe the male involved will do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

Pamela Braun


Cowichan Valley Citizen