Manjit Sohi has declared his intention to enter the Abbotsford byelection for a council seat. (Submitted)

Manjit Sohi enters Abbotsford council byelection race

Abbotsford resident of 33 years touts experience working with cities in bid announcement

Manjit Sohi is the fourth person to declare for the byelection fill the vacant seat on Abbotsford city council.

Sohi made the announcement on social media on Monday (March 29).

“After much thought and consideration, I have decided to put my name forward to run for city council,” he stated in a press release. “Your needs as citizens are my priority and you deserve a committed and experienced councillor.”

Sohi stated in his press release that he has called Abbotsford home for the past 33 years and has raised three sons in the community.

RELATED: Bruce Banman stepping down as Abbotsford city councillor

The press release states that he brings over 25 years of experience working in municipal government as a chief building inspector, commercial plans examiner, secondary suite coordinator and a manager for building permits and licenses. He has experience from five different municipalities, including Abbotsford.

He has also been involved in local soccer organizations since 2002, assisting youth through coaching and mentorship. Sohi is also involved in several community organizations including, as the current spokesperson for the Abbotsford United Sports Club, vice-president of the Fraser River Community Crematorium Society and the past president of the Building Officials Association of B.C.

He launched an unsuccessful bid to earn the BC Liberals’ nomination in Abbotsford South riding in 2019. That nomination was eventually won by Bruce Banman, the same man who has left the vacant seat on Abbotsford city council and necessitated the byelection.

RELATED: Manjit Sohi latest to seek BC Liberal nod in Abbotsford South

Sohi joins previously declared hopefuls Dave Sidhu, Trevor Eros and Dao Tran in the race.

Details on the date of the byelection have not yet been released.

For more information on his campaign, visit

Abbotsford News