Maple Ridge asked, when does it want new holiday

Do you want to party with the Albertans in February or choose another day? Government wants to know.

  • May. 10, 2012 5:00 p.m.

The province wants to know, which day you’d like for the winter break, Family Day.

While other provinces have long had a long-weekend in February, B.C. will have its first next year and the Ministry of Labour, Citizens’ Services and Open Government wants to know which weekend works best.

By having Family Day on the third Monday in February, B.C. will share the same day with five other Canadian provinces, and with President’s Day in the U.S.

Family Day is celebrated in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario on the third Monday in February. Manitoba and P.E.I. also have statutory holidays on that day, but they are not officially named Family Day.

By having it on the second Monday, British Columbians will be able to enjoy the day without other long-weekend traffic.

Families have the greatest influence on children’s development and designating a day in their honour validates moms, dads and all those raising kids across B.C., said Lana Denoni, chair, Tourism Industry Association of B.C.

Having a Family Day where people vacation close to home also will help the local recreation and economy, Stuart McLaughlin, chair, Minister’s Council on Tourism and president, Grouse Mountain Resorts.

• The consultation process started Tuesday and closes Tuesday, May 22.

People can share their thoughts at or on Facebook or Twitter using #mybcfd.

Maple Ridge News