Health minister Adrian Dix and provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. THE NEWS – files

Health minister Adrian Dix and provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. THE NEWS – files

Maple Ridge cancels all city events during COVID-19 crisis

No access to play structures, no more events

The City of Maple Ridge has cancelled all festivals and special events of more than 50 people on municipal property, until May 31 and until further notice.

The announcement was made Friday, March 20, as a result of the orders of the provincial health officer banning meetings of more than 50 people.

“We understand this may be a difficult time and the impact on event organizers, volunteers, vendors and sponsors,” the city said online.

READ MORE: COVID-19 precautions ‘not optional,’ B.C.’s Dr. Bonnie Henry warns

Recreation staff have connected with event organizers by email and phone. People are asked to contact the city regarding their events by e-mailing:

“Stay safe and we look forward to celebrating our community and gathering together again in the near future,” the city said.

READ MORE: Stay away from playgrounds

In addition to closing the recreation facilities and local libraries earlier this week, both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows on Thursday, March 19, closed playgrounds, play structures and play boxes, but not parks, to reduce the risk of infection.

Park spaces will remain open with staff enhancing the cleaning of bathroom facilities. City staff will also work collaboratively with the school district on play structures that are located at joint park sites.

“We are counting on the cooperation of the community, especially parents, to follow the advice around social distancing as recommended by the BC Centre for Disease Control,” said David Boag, Maple Ridge parks and recreation facilities manager. “Thank you for your patience as we work to protect the public and city staff from COVID-19.”

The City of Maple Ridge added online that all programs that have been previously scheduled at the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre or satellite facilities have been cancelled until April 30. This does not include spring break camps at the Greg Moore Youth Centre and Eagles Hall, however, it added.

Recreation staff will continue to monitor and implement recommendations outlined by the BC Centre for Disease Control, the city said.

Recreation program cancellations include all city programs at satellite locations, not just those located at Maple Ridge’s closed facilities (ex: programs located at Whonnock Lake are also cancelled). Refunds for affected programs will be provided.

Maple Ridge News