Maple Ridge residents Duane Sharpe (Canada ball cap) and Trish Sharpe in Canada tuque surround Cassie Sharpe moments after she won women’s ski halfpipe. (Contributed)

Maple Ridge residents Duane Sharpe (Canada ball cap) and Trish Sharpe in Canada tuque surround Cassie Sharpe moments after she won women’s ski halfpipe. (Contributed)

Maple Ridge couple sees their family win Winter Olympic gold

Duane and Trish Sharpe in South Korea to watch niece Cassie Sharpe take the podium

A Maple Ridge family got to see firsthand one of their own win Winter Olympic gold.

Albion residents Duane and Trish Sharpe are in PyeongJang, South Korea, and saw their niece Cassie Sharpe, of Comox, take gold in women’s ski halfpipe on Tuesday.

After the medal presentation they all gathered around Cassie for a photo to celebrate the event.

“I think we all watched it with a bit of nervousness … but it was a great result and certainly something that we are all really proud of,” said Comox Mayor Paul Ives.

Maple Ridge News