Dad Ramzi Khsib with Maple Ridge New Year’s Baby, Badis. (Contributed)

Dad Ramzi Khsib with Maple Ridge New Year’s Baby, Badis. (Contributed)

Maple Ridge New Year’s Baby arrives on schedule

Badis Khsib born a few minutes before it turned Jan. 2

Badis Khsib kept his first appointment of the year.

He arrived on schedule, as expected, on New Year’s Day, the first baby to be born this year in Ridge Meadows Hospital, to parents Ramzi and Meriem Khsib.

“The due date was Jan. 1, so he was right on his due date, which is a surprise by itself,” said dad Ramzi Khsib last week.

“He’s doing super fine, everything is fine, knock on wood.”

Badis was born at 11:48 p.m. and is a younger brother to big brother Shedli, 2.

Ramzi said it took a while for Shedli to realize he had a baby brother. But the parents made sure Shedli got a present from Badis, “so now (Shedli) is happy.

“So the big brother got a gift from the little brother. After that gift, he was more than welcome and he was accepted into the family. You have to play tricks, right?” said Ramzi. The family received a car seat and stuffed toy from the doctors.

“Which was a surprise to get a present, seconds after a birth,” Ramzi added.

Maple Ridge News