Maple Ridge teachers union president moving up

Serra gets promotion in BCTF

George Serra is getting a promotion within the BCTF. (THE NEWS files)

George Serra is getting a promotion within the BCTF. (THE NEWS files)

The president of the local teacher’s union in the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows School District is moving on to the B.C. Teachers’ Federation head office.

George Serra is leaving the Maple Ridge Teachers’ Association, where he has been president for the past eight years, for a promotion within the teacher’s union. He will be an assistant-director in the field service division, and will work as a support to the presidents of locals in dealing with labour issues. He will work from the BCTF’s Vancouver office.

Serra’s last day in Maple Ridge will be April 30.

His first job with the union was in 2007 as a teacher’s association vice-president. Most of his teaching was at Maple Ridge elementary, and he also taught at Maple Ridge secondary.

Serra will be replaced by vice-president Suzanne Hall who will be the acting president. The Maple Ridge Teachers’ Association will hold its elections on May 23 during which will run for president.

Serra said it can be emotional leaving the job after so long, but he enjoys the kind of work he will be doing.

He has enjoyed his time as the local union president, and stood for re-election year after year.

“This is a great district,” he said, adding the relationship between the union and senior management is not confrontational.

He was recognized by the school board at its Wednesday night meeting.

“We thank him for his service to the district, and wish him well in his new role,” said board chair Mike Murray.

Murray agreed the relationship between the board office and the teachers’ association is good, and even when the two sides disagree or go to arbitration, the tone remains respectful.

Maple Ridge News