Maple Ridge city hall (The News files)

Maple Ridge turns to public for consultation on transportation plan

Mayor encourages all residents to participate in 'important engagement process'

  • May. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The City of Maple Ridge launched the public consultation phase of its strategic transportation plan update on Friday, May 14.

The plan is expected to address ways in which people move through the community, including driving, public transit, cycling and walking.

Once completed, the goal is for the transportation plan to be inclusive, sustainable, and forward-thinking.

“The STP advances some big priorities for council, including reducing congestion on our roadways, improving transit access and lowering GHG emissions,” said Mayor Mike Morden. “It’s the roadmap for the future of transportation in our community and we encourage all residents to participate in this important engagement process.”

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The city has engaged Urban Systems, a regional consulting firm, to assist with plan development and public engagement. In addition to a survey and virtual open houses for Maple Ridge residents and the business community, Urban Systems will reach out to important stakeholder groups directly to ensure a diversity of views are captured.

All engagement activities will respect COVID-19 public health guidelines.

A landing page for the project can be found at This page will provide background information, updates on the plan development timeline, as well as the survey link. In addition, there is a mapping exercise where residents can share their ideas on how to improve road networks, walking, cycling and transit facilities.

The public survey will be open until May 31, 2021. Residents with questions about the survey, or those with requests for a printed copy, can email

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