Online crime maps are available at Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows city websites.

Online crime maps are available at Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows city websites.

Maps pinpoint crime

Available online for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.

New online crime maps of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows allow residents to mouse around the city, looking at where crimes take place, what types of crime, and even submit Crime Stoppers tips in the process.

Ridge Meadows RCMP announced that the crime maps are now officially available on the City of Maple and City of Pitt Meadows websites. They are also linked from the RCMP website.

“It is my pleasure to introduce our interactive online crime maps for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows that are now available on city websites,” said Supt. Dave Fleugel.  “Leveraging technology and the outstanding relationships we have in both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, Ridge Meadows RCMP are now able to regularly upload crime report data for the public in an easy to use map format.

He said the community engagement initiative will allow citizens will become even more aware of what is happening in their neighbourhoods and, as a result, will reduce the chance of being a victim of property crime.  A feature of the online map also allows people with information about a crime to send in a tip to CrimeStoppers that may result in identifying the person responsible.

“I sincerely hope that all citizens take the time to regularly view the online crime map so we can continue to work together to drive property crime down in both communities,” said Fleugel.

Mayor Nicole Read congratulated the RCMP and the city IT team for the work that they have done to create the crime map for the Maple Ridge city website.

“Property Crime is largely a crime of opportunity. When we let down our guard and leave valuables in the open and forget to lock our cars, garages or homes, we can become targets for criminals,” she said.

“Armed with the information on this map, neighbourhoods can be more vigilant about suspicious activity and work more closely with police to locate, catch and prosecute criminals.”

The crime maps are hosted by the individual city’s web sites, but are also accessible through the Ridge Meadows RCMP web site, which provides a direct link to the two crime maps.


Maple Ridge News