Margaret Trudeau talks mental health at UFV

Mother of prime minister, who has spent years in the spotlight, talks openly about struggles with depression

Margaret Trudeau gave a speech at the University of the Fraser Valley on Tuesday. She spoke about the importance of seeking professional help for mental illness.

Margaret Trudeau gave a speech at the University of the Fraser Valley on Tuesday. She spoke about the importance of seeking professional help for mental illness.

If you are suffering from a mental illness, reach out, seek professional counseling, eat healthier, get outside more and get more sleep.

That’s just one of the messages Margaret Trudeau brought to the University of the Fraser Valley Tuesday. She addressed a crowd of approximately 360 in the student union building of the school’s Abbotsford campus.

The ex-wife of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and mother of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke of her own struggles with bipolar disorder and her high-profile and often controversial life.

The hour-long talk, peppered with humor, touched on issues of drug-use, isolation and motherhood.

Check back here and in Friday’s edition of the Abbotsford News for the full story.



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