A marijuana leaf.

A marijuana leaf.

Marijuana plants found among ‘random acts of art’

A potpourri of items and they’ve all been used to decorate the town core over the last year in random acts of art

Pot plants. Knitting. Painted rocks. Carrots.

It’s a potpourri of items and they’ve all been used to decorate the town core over the last year in random acts of art (read: not officially sanctioned by the District of Sooke).

The most recent? A lonely pot plant sprouted at a crosswalk near Evergreen Mall late last week. The plant was quickly disposed of by park workers and Sooke Mounties.

Two weeks ago painted rocks began appearing on the new municipal boulevard along Sooke Road. The idea there, municipal officials surmise, is that you take a rock, paint it, and return it.

The rocks, all very colourful, have sayings such as I Love Sooke, Rock Exchange and Gender is a Social Construct.

District of Sooke chief administrative officer Teresa Sullivan is befuddled on who the artist (or artists) could be.

“We don’t know who’s doing it,” she said.

But the rocks will soon find a new home.

“We’ll leave them for now, but we will be moving them somewhere else. We’re not sure where yet,” Sullivan said.

“It’s not that we are not appreciative of their efforts, but it’s not a look we want in our town core.”


Sooke News Mirror