Mark Creek flume project on target

First third of project must be completed by year's end.

Work on the Mark Creek flume project is on pace.

Work on the Mark Creek flume project is on pace.

The Mark Creek flume project is proceeding well, says Mayor Ron McRae and on target for first phase completion before the end of the year.

McRae says the contract with Copcan spells out that the first phase must be completed this year no matter what. The first phase will take the wider, deeper creek channel up to the area by BJ’s Restaurant at Highway 95A this year.

As for funding for the $4 million plus project, a referendum approved the City borrowing the entire amount if necessary but it is still hoped that an application under the gas tax funding may provide federal and provincial dollars.

At the UBCM last month, McRae said he met with the newly appointed Minister of Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Bill Bennett, who was helpful though non-committal.

“He had some good ideas around the progress of the gas tax application. He said the application was sound and we did what we were supposed to do. We would expect a decision sometime in November.”

Kimberley Daily Bulletin