Nicholas Adsett braves the 'danger kids zone' created by Timeless Toys during the market in order to sampe a selection of their wares.

Nicholas Adsett braves the 'danger kids zone' created by Timeless Toys during the market in order to sampe a selection of their wares.

Market makes merry on Oak Bay Ave

The next market, organized by the Oak Bay Business Improvement Association is slated for Aug. 12.

Oak Bay Night Market July 8 2015

The second Night Market of summer  filled Oak Bay Avenue July 8. A wide range of fresh, local produce and food were consumed and purchased in addition creations by artists and artisans with a variety of wares, including wood-turned bowls, hand-made greeting cards, glass art, paper casting, fabric arts, jewelry, toys, fresh-made soaps and cosmetics, and preserves.

The next market, organized by the Oak Bay Business Improvement Association is slated for Aug. 12. For more info, visit


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