Masked robber gets 411 days jail

Court: James Enright wore a mask and brandished a machete-like blade in Willow Point robbery

A man who robbed a private liquor store is going to jail and will also pay restitution.

James Enright, 26, wore a mask and brandished a machete-like weapon when he robbed the Willow Point Liquor Store of cash and cigarettes on Feb. 27.

Enright had recently arrived in Campbell River when he committed the heist.  Mounties arrested him a few days later after identifying him through the video surveillance footage.

A search of his residence also turned up some of the stolen items.

On Tuesday, in Campbell River provincial court, Enright pleaded guilty to robbery and wearing a disguise.

He received a jail sentence totaling 411 days and was also ordered to pay restitution of $1,407.16.

Enright will also pay a $400 victim fine surcharge and will be on probation for two years following his release.

As part of the probation, Enright cannot be within two blocks of the Willow Point Liquor Store, is to have no contact with the clerk he robbed, cannot possess or drink alcohol, and cannot possess any weapons.

He also agreed to enter counselling for substance abuse.

Campbell River Mirror