Face masks by Skylar Dalusio. (Contributed photo.)

Face masks by Skylar Dalusio. (Contributed photo.)

Masks required at 100 Mile Food Bank

The 100 Mile Food Bank will require all users to wear masks.

  • Sep. 5, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The 100 Mile Food Bank has made a decision to require all users to wear masks.

Brett Berube, president of the 100 Mile House Food Bank Society, said the decision was made at the organization’s Annual General Meeting Tuesday, following reports that the number of COVID-19 infections continued to rise across B.C. The AGM was closed to the public.

“There are a lot of businesses in town here going to require mandatory masks and we (will) do the same here,” he said.

Berube said the new rules will come into effect immediately, noting that “internally we might not require it because we’re a tight bunch” but all food bank users will be asked to wear one when they come in. The Food Bank Society is in the midst of sourcing a supply of masks that can be handed out when needed. Those who show up without a mask will be reminded to wear one the next time they come, he said.

The Food Bank has been averaging about 20 users per day and Berube expects the numbers to continue to rise during the fall and winter. On Hamper Day Tuesday, he said 125 people showed up. “You can see what we’re expecting in the future,” he said.

Berube said the masks protocol will remain in effect until the pandemic numbers start to ease. “We’re definitely listening to what’s going on around the world,” Berube said. “We’re seeing what’s going to happen.”


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