Masset assisted living unit sustains water damage

  • Feb. 1, 2012 6:00 p.m.

Last week’s unusual cold snap damaged the north-end assisted living facility.Nick Grosse Assisted Living is a four-apartment residence in Masset, on the same site as the Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre. Last Friday morning, Jan. 20, the residence suffered water damage from two leaks in its fire suppression system, caused by the freezing temperatures cracking the pipes.The water leaked into two of the apartments and the resulting moisture damaged the other two apartments and the common area, said Angela Szabo, manager of home care for Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii. The only resident had to be relocated, but “he’s safe and sound at the hospital site,” said Ms Szabo. He will remain off-site for approximately a month, she said, while repairs are being completed.

Haida Gwaii Observer