May 11 Police Update

The Vanderhoof RCMP lodged 88 files, which included 11 prisoners, in the past week.

The Vanderhoof RCMP lodged 88 files, which included 11 prisoners, in the past week.


Wildlife in town

On May 2 at about noon, a bear that was first seen in Riverside Park eventually ventured into the surrounding residential area.

Vanderhoof’s conservation officer was contacted to attend on scene and the bear was dispatched by the police.

Several weeks ago, a cougar was also sighted off Seventh Street by the Rip’n the North Bike Park, the police said.

Residents are reminded to keep attractants, such as household garbage, bird feeders, and leftover items, away, as well as report wildlife sightings at the RAPP (Report all poachers and polluters) line at 1-877-952-7277.


Driving not according to conditions

A car that suffered extensive body damage on Redmond Pit Road by Highway 16 was reported on May 3.

On the previous day, the car was travelling too fast when heading south on Redmond Pit Road towards the highway, going off road to the right, the police said.

No injuries were incurred.


On the road

Officers from general and traffic units are active in conducting road checks in the region, including Fraser Lake, in the past week.

Warmer weather in the past week also led to a higher number of impaired and prohibited drivers charged, in comparison to earlier this season, the police said.


– with files from Cpl. Wade Harvey, Vanderhoof RCMP, and Conservation Officer Bryan Kettles


Vanderhoof Omineca Express