Mayor Cobb proclaims Wrestling Day

At Tuesday’s inaugural city council meeting newly elected Mayor Walt Cobb declared Jan. 2, 2015 Wrestling Day as a holiday.

  • Dec. 9, 2014 9:00 a.m.

At Tuesday’s inaugural city council meeting newly elected Mayor Walt Cobb declared Jan. 2, 2015  Wrestling Day  as a public municipal holiday in the city of Williams Lake.

“This is one of my favourite things to do,” Cobb smiled.

He was, after all, mayor of Williams Lake from 1990 to 1996 and a city councillor from 1980 to 1990, and knows the unique holiday well.

“I remember being interviewed by CBC Radio from Ottawa in my home broadcasting because of the fact we have Wrestling Day,” Cobb said.

“There’s some opposition to it, but I think it’s something unique and I am in favour of carrying on with Wrestling Day.”

Under the community charter a council or the mayor may proclaim a holiday and each year in December that’s what happens in Williams Lake.

Council voted unanimously in favour of proclaiming the holiday, followed by applause from some of the public sitting in the chambers.

Williams Lake Tribune