Mayor cuts ribbon for new generator at water week open house

The City of Grand Forks celebrated water week in B.C. with an open house at Well 4/5 at Dick Bartlett Park on Thursday.

Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor cuts the ribbon for the gen set (generator) for Well 4/5 on Thursday with the help of Sasha Bird, manager of development and engineering, and councillor Patrick O’Doherty.

Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor cuts the ribbon for the gen set (generator) for Well 4/5 on Thursday with the help of Sasha Bird, manager of development and engineering, and councillor Patrick O’Doherty.

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The City of Grand Forks celebrated water week in B.C. with an open house at Well 4/5 at Dick Bartlett Park on Thursday.Staff and members of council were on hand to explain the well process show residents the equipment used to control extraction of water.Mayor Brian Taylor cut the ribbon as well for the west side fire protection gen-set (generator) installation project.

Grand Forks Gazette