A Google Earth view of Nakusp’s marina and the village land in question.

Mayor proposing waterfront nature reserve and marina upgrades

Nakusp Village Council voted to have staff take on the project

  • Jun. 1, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Tom Zeleznik took off his mayor hat for a moment and approached village council as a resident with an idea at the May 25 meeting.

Zeleznik would like to see the village create a plan, with input from the community to develop village owned 9.52 acre of waterfront property, including the small island.

He proposed using log bundles to act as a breakwater along the west side of the property, providing a large, better space for the marina as well as developing the land into a nature sanctuary and walkway.

Zeleznik said he has talked with Celgar/Mercer about donating log bundles and Interfor to help donate the tugboat and cable strapping to hold the bundles together.

He intends to do further research on the project and discuss with BC Hydro as well, but in the end wants the village and community to work together to utilize the property.

Council voted to have staff review the proposal.


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