Mayor tops council expenses

Janice Brown made $19,672 last year, add travel and conference expenses of $7,099 for a total of $26,771.

Mayor Janice Brown had the most expenses among Spallumcheen council in 2015.

Mayor Janice Brown had the most expenses among Spallumcheen council in 2015.

Mayor Janice Brown has the most expenses out of Spallumcheen’s council, according to an annual report.

Brown made $19,672 last year, add travel and conference expenses of $7,099 for a total of $26,771.

“We travel to sometimes UBCM and SILGA and sometimes I attend other meetings as well. I attend more functions.”

Five councillors earned $10,136. Coun. Andrew Casson had no travel expenses as he works out of town, making his total the lowest at $9,320.

“If you miss meetings, you don’t get paid,” said Brown.

The previous policy had mayoral  duties earning $18,819 with councillors at $9,410 but the policy was amended Jan. 1, 2016.

The 2015 report also included employees who made over $75,000.

Public works manager Ed Forslund made $104,204, chief administrative officer Corey Paiement earned $119,038 and fire inspector Alastair Crick made $77,045.

Funds add up for new cenotaph

The cenotaph standing in Memorial Park required a dismantling and rebuilding, leaving the Armstrong Royal Canadian Legion and Armstrong Memorial Committee underfunded.

Armstrong Legion president Avis Overby asked for funding at a Spallumcheen council meeting Monday night.

Heinmann and Sons Masonry Inc. dismantled and rebuilt the piece and after initial inspection they discovered the cenotaph had loose blocks and suffered from erosion. The total cost came to $8,720 plus GST.

The council agreed to pay a third of the total cost, $2,906.70, even though the request was for $1,500.

“I was at the unveiling on the morning of July 1. It was great to see the new cenotaph. They did a really good job,” said Mayor Janice Brown.

The legion and memorial committee committed to raising $5,000 and requested $1,500 from Armstrong and Spallumcheen council.

“It takes some of the burden off the legion and I think it’s a good cause,” said Coun. Christine Fraser.



Vernon Morning Star