Mayors’ panel held at economic summit in Abbotsford

Featured representatives from Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Township of Langley and City of Langley

Veteran broadcaster Bill Good moderates a panel discussions of mayors from around the valley at the Fraser Valley Economic Summit.

Veteran broadcaster Bill Good moderates a panel discussions of mayors from around the valley at the Fraser Valley Economic Summit.

The role of regional co-operation in fostering strong communities and businesses was discussed at a mayors’ panel during the Fraser Valley Economic Summit on Tuesday.

The mayors of Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Township of Langley and City of Langley were on the panel, discussing business and future growth in their communities.

Moderator Bill Good asked about the relationship between businesses and local government.

Mayor Bruce Banman said an example of government and business working together is by holding events like the summit, “so that businesses can plan for the future.”

He added that Abbotsford has been working on a rewrite and streamlining or its zoning bylaw, which will make it easier for businesses setting up in the city. He said it is important to create an atmosphere that is welcoming to businesses and helps to foster those businesses.

The mayors commented on the need to streamline city processes for businesses and cut back on red tape.

Also mentioned was the importance of regional collaboration, citing the example of the inter-municipal business license program, which spans across the communities.

Banman said the word needs to go out that when it comes to livability, lifestyle and the future, the entire Fraser Valley a lot to offer.

“You can pick each one of us (cities) and whatever you pick, it’s going to be a winner.”

Abbotsford News