McLouglin Point wastewater plant opens to bids

Capital Regional District requests for qualifications process underway, three proponents to be chosen by June

Capital Regional District directors approved the first major step Wednesday towards constructing its wastewater treatment plant at McLoughlin Point.

Directors gave staff the go-ahead to begin the requests for qualifications process, where interested companies submit their credentials and are then shortlisted for a design proposal phase.

The CRD expects to select three possible proponents by the end of June and to choose the preferred proponent by the end of 2013. Construction is slated to begin by spring 2014.

The CRD will also hold a design open house in April to solicit ideas from the public and explain the design process.

The successful company will be required to have a financial stake in the project during construction and for a two-year performance proving period after the plant goes into service, according to a CRD release.

The treatment plant will be owned and operated by the CRD.

The $783-million secondary sewage treatment project includes the construction of the McLoughlin Wastewater Treatment Plant, harbour crossing and marine outfall, a Biosolids Energy Centre, and Conveyance Infrastructure including upgrades to existing facilities.

To access the RFQ, visit or


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