Someone stole the defibrillator, a piece of life-saving equipment, from outside the Oyama General Store in Lake Country Saturday, March 13. (Facebook photo)

Medical device swiped from Oyama store for 2nd time

Emergency defibrillator stolen from General Store on weekend

A piece of equipment that helps the heart was taken by a thief with no heart.

A defibrillator was stolen from the Oyama General Store Saturday evening, March 13.

“One of my employees noticed it missing when we opened Sunday,” said store owner Cory Holland, who has been victimized once before with someone taking the life-saving piece of equipment.

That was about four years ago and the thief, in that case, had a heart and returned the defibrillator to the store parking lot.

“I have a feeling this time around will be different,” said Holland, who has not had to use the machine since the community fundraised for it about five years ago.

Defibrillators are machines that restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. They are used to prevent or correct a heartbeat that is uneven or that is too slow or too fast. Defibrillators can also restore the heart’s beating if it suddenly stops.

The defibrillator sits outside the store.

“It’s a catch-22 as it has to be outside so people can access and it can’t be locked up,” said Holland.

Word of the theft got out on social media and the Lake Country community is showing signs of rallying to donate money so the defibrillator can be replaced.

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