Medical marijuana to go back to public hearing

  • Feb. 16, 2014 6:00 p.m.

By Jenna Jensen


During the District of Elkford’s regular meeting of Council held on January 27, a third reading was given on the Zoning Amendment No. 751  2014 regarding the commercial production of medical marijuana within the limits of the District.

During discussions on the topic, Councilor Steve Fairbairn motioned to make an amendment to the bylaw, prohibiting all commercial production within the District. All attending councilors except Councilor Mandy McGregor were in favour of the amended motion. McGregor was concerned in the ways that current legal medical marijuana home growers would be affected.

“This bylaw will not affect legal personal home growers,” said Curtis Helgesen, District of Elkford CAO. “We do not even know of any home growers; that is only something that Health Canada is aware of and monitors. What this proposed bylaw will affect is commercial growers within the District.”

District staff noted that when the use or density of a proposed bylaw changes, it must go back to the public in the form of another public hearing. The District will hold another public hearing to listen to representations from the public before Council considers the third reading as amended. Councilor Craig Robinson suggested he would like to see the public hearing and third reading done in one night to ensure the timely finalization of this bylaw.


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