Meet White Rock’s byelection bunch

Peace Arch News invited all nine candidates in the City of White Rock's Nov. 3 byelection to take part in a questionnaire.

  • Oct. 25, 2012 8:00 a.m.

On Nov. 3, the City of White Rock is holding a byelection for a single seat on city council, necessitated by the death of longtime-councillor Mary-Wade Anderson in June.

Peace Arch News invited all candidates to answer our brief questionnaire.

We asked for names, occupations and top three issues (three words or less).

We also asked what issues each would raise as councillor that are currently being ignored or under-discussed (20 words); whether White Rock should consider rejoining Surrey (one word); and why voters should elect them (50 words).

Candidates were advised that their answers would be truncated at the word count. Otherwise, their answers are printed as submitted.

Candidates are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot, per the city’s random draw.

Pat Petrala

Community Development Facilitator

Top three issues:

• Frugal fiscal challenges• Respectful managed development• Environmental sensible decisions

Under-discussed issues?

• Respect OCP; DCC incentives• Spot zone management• Public engagement valued outcomes• Attract grants, events, revenue streams

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

Served on City’s advisory committees and more, knowledgeable/ready to graduate to other side of decision making table. Community is my “family/social life”; career has shaped my ability to work with all to facilitate an award winning “healthy age-in-place” city that is inclusive, safe and well managed.

David Chesney

Newspaper Publisher

Top three issues:

• Tree By Law• Arts #2 Industry• Business Improvement

Under-discussed issues?

Better interaction with the community, restoring vibrancy of our commercial districts.

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

I have made my home here for over 25 years. I LOVE WHITE ROCK. I want to be the community voice on council.

Bill Lawrence

Businessman, Entrepreneur

Top three issues:

• Replace/Upgrade Infrastructure• Property Taxes• Future Development

Under-discussed issues?

• Revenue generating alternatives to current pay parking policies• Property tax credits for seniors on fixed incomes.• Festivals

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

Council needs representation from small business in White Rock. Advantages include getting the point of view from one of the important sectors within our community… the business owners. Second, I bring experience from a large multinational company and that from a grass roots small business employing people within the community.

Scott Kristjanson

Computer Project Manager

Top three issues:

• Dangerous Dog Attacks• Too Much Development• Beachfront and Arts

Under-discussed issues?

Keep our kids and pets safe with a muzzling bylaw for dangerous dog breeds when in our playgrounds and parks.

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

To keep White Rock safe for children and pets by creating a muzzling bylaw for dangerous dog breeds, and retain our small town feel by limiting excessive development. I support Council’s initiatives to enhance our beachfront areas and support for the arts within our community. See for more details.

Tom Willman

Business Professional

Top three issues:

• Revenue• Expenditures• Development, Zoning

Under-discussed issues?

The need to market our beautiful city extensively to entice tourism. Zoning for high rise development. The train route.

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

I do not  make promises I can not keep. I am willing to listen and find equitable solutions to problems as they present themselves. I believe in a transparent council with every decision open to public scrutiny.

Grant William O’Kane

Businessman who listens

Top three issues:

• Development, High Density• Downtown Core Survival• Parking/Business Survival

Under-discussed issues?

Communication of detailed information to improved for all to understand all decisions, allowing a clearer picture for all parties involved.

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

A new face, a new feel. Main focus, to create a strong listening agenda. My campaign ~ “Focused on the Family”. Focus on growth for all to be proud of their city and desire to raise their children and their children’s children in White Rock. MY FAMILY DREAM.

Bruce McWilliam

Registered Urban Planner

Top three issues:

• Excessive Property Taxes• Common Sense Development• Gowth, Revenues Required

Under-discussed issues?

Increased seniors activities/centresCommon sense planning and developmentImplement City’s 2012 – 2014 PrioritiesCreate new revenue sources instead of raising taxes

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

Lifelong career as an Urban Planner – contribute expertise, vision and guidance to what the City could easily become. My focus is City’s creation of alternative revenue sources to avoid annual property tax increases.

I promise to listen carefully to every voice and act in the best interest of all Residents.

Megan Knight

Notary Public

Top three issues:

• Town Centre Development• Beach Parking• Waterfront Makeover

Under-discussed issues?

Open communication between City Hall and its citizens.

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

I’m a team player and I want to be part of the team that so far is doing a good job. I will bring a fresh and open business mind to council. I will work hard to improve our community and I want to be part of shaping its future.

Graham Wood

Appraiser, Self-Employed

Top three issues:

• Economic Sustainability• Promoting Healthy Community• Attracting Young Families

Under-discussed issues?

Strengthening the “intent” of development bylaws by reducing loopholes and focussing on enhancing small business growth and tax revenue.

Rejoining Surrey?


Why should voters elect you?

As a father and husband I chose to live in White Rock for its beauty and sense of community. As a professional, I have both the education, energy and experience to ensure that White Rock remains the city we all chose to live and grow in. See:


Meet them in person

An all-candidates meeting is planned for Oct. 30, 7-9 p.m.

Moderated by Surrey-White Rock MLA Gordon Hogg, the event – to be held at White Rock Elementary, 1273 Fir St. – is hosted by the South Surrey White Rock Chamber of Commerce and White Rock Business Improvement Association.


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