Meet your Kootenay-East provincial candidates

Meet your Kootenay-East provincial candidates

Meet your Kootenay-East provincial candidates

An introduction to each of your Kootenay-East provincial candidates; Keith Komar, Tom Shypitka and Randal Macnair.

  • Apr. 9, 2017 5:00 a.m.

By Keith Komar, BC Libertarian Party

Special to The Free Press

My name is Keith Komar. I am a 45 year old single father of two. I was born in Cranbrook B.C. and spent most of my early youth and development here in the Kootenays.

I moved away in 1986 in the middle of the last big economic downturn. I have been trying to come home to the valley permanently ever since.

I am a bricklayer by trade and have found it quite difficult to find steady employment in the valley as there is not a lot of work in my field. My most recent move home was last June.

I got laid off while working up in Grande Prairie and decided to move home so my son could graduate here in Cranbrook. We spent many of his earlier years here and he was happy to come home as well. I have been a same sex marriage activist since the late 80s and an anti cannabis prohibition activist since the mid 90s.

I am currently in the process of opening a dispensary in Cranbrook, as I believe that patients deserve access to medicine and we are way behind in our area in this respect.

The Craft Cannabis industry in our valley could give a great economic boost, and I will do my best to promote it.

I am the B.C. Regional Coordinator for the Libertarian Party of Canada and on the Board of Directors for the BC Libertarian Party.

I am a champion of individual freedoms and will fight tirelessly to make sure Victoria does its part in rejuvenating the Kootenays back to a more vibrant economic state.

By Tom Shypitka, BC Liberals

Special to The Free Press

I’m excited about the opportunity to represent our region as your MLA for Kootenay East.  My five generations of family ties to the Elk Valley give me historical knowledge of the valley and familiarity with the ongoing issues and concerns of the people.

My paternal grandparents raised their family in Fernie.  My father was born in Fernie.  My brother lived in Fernie and my cousin still lives here today.  I’ve been a member of the Fernie Curling Club and have represented the City of Fernie at the men`s provincial curling championships. I have many friends in the Elk Valley.

Industry is vital to the valley and my great grandfather and grandfather worked in the old Coal Creek Mine just outside Fernie. They wouldn’t recognize the “coolest town in North America” today but we are all proud of today’s diverse and interesting Fernie.

My current involvement as a director for the RDEK gives me the insight into what the priority issues are for Fernie as I work closely with Mayor Giuliano.

Whether it is much needed infrastructure, more passing lanes, bridges, community centres, affordable housing, healthcare or education, I look forward to advocating for you on all these issues.

The Elk Valley has been served very well over the past 16 years by Bill Bennett. It’s important we continue with that strong representation. With the strongest economy in Canada, I firmly believe we will be successful in the May election. It would be a loss to the region to elect an opposition MLA.

I’d be honoured to be accountable to you after the election on May 9. My door is always open and I look forward to working with you if you honour me with your vote.  If you have any questions I would very much appreciate the opportunity to answer them.  My email is

By Randal Macnair, BC NDP

Special to The Free Press

In my years in local government and business, I’ve worked throughout the Kootenays and province to provide leadership that unites people with exciting yet practical plans. I know what it takes to inspire people to work toward a shared vision. Be it business owners, union members, students, or seniors, I believe in listening to and serving everyone in our communities. An MLA should be a strong, fair advocate for people’s interests and for working with them to plan and create stronger, more vibrant communities.

I was born and raised in British Columbia and have lived in the East Kootenay for 20 years. Fifteen of those years was in public service as an elected official. During nine years as a councillor and six years as mayor of Fernie, I helped guide the transition from a primarily coal mining community to a community uniting a successful resource economy with an internationally renowned recreation destination.

Among the many accomplishments I am proud of, a few stand out. Leading the Victoria Avenue Centennial Project that revitalized downtown Fernie, helping negotiate the mine tax sharing pool for the communities of the Elk Valley and helping create the Resort Municipality Initiative come immediately to mind. I was honoured to guide Fernie through a critical time in its history, overseeing significant growth. Supporting and enhancing the community’s heritage and arts sectors and participating in the creation of close to 100 units of affordable housing are achievements which will always be close to my heart.

I am a proponent of open government constantly planning for the future. I established long term plans for municipal infrastructure that looked well beyond the next election cycle. Leading and planning to position Fernie to take advantage of opportunities in later years thanks to sound fiscal management and a solid foundation.

As a Director on the RDEK Board for six years, I understand the entire region and what makes us succeed. We are all in this together, when Cranbrook succeeds so does Sparwood, and what is good for Elkford is good for the South Country.

I believe in a vision of a strong, diverse and sustainable region for the  East Kootenay. Working together we can lead our families and our communities into the future.

The Free Press

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