South Kelowna Elementary School.Google.

Member of South Kelowna Elementary tests positive for COVID-19

Central Okanagan School District confirmed two cases at two different schools on Monday

  • Nov. 9, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A second case of COVID-19 is being reported in the Central Okanagan School District, on Monday.

Interior Health is confirming a member of the South Kelowna Elementary School community has tested positive for the virus.

The person is self-isolating at home with support from local public health teams. Interior Health follows up with anyone potentially exposed to a confirmed case directly through contact tracing.

The school district earlier confirmed a case of COVID-19 at North Glenmore Elementary School, after a community member has tested positive for the virus. Interior Health notes the exposure date as Nov. 6. The health authority updated its list of school exposures with the elementary school on Nov. 9.

South Kelowna Elementary is the eighth in SD23 to record an exposure event and the 10th within Central Okanagan as a whole.

The school district is continuing to implement the strict health and safety protocols and procedures that are in place so students and staff can continue to attend school as safely as possible.

Central Okanagan Public Schools is working with Interior Health to determine if any additional actions are required and to support ongoing communication to the South Kelowna Elementary School community.

READ MORE: COVID-19 exposure at West Kelowna’s Rose Valley Elementary School

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