Memorial Arena repairs could blow roof off Penticton budget

Annual facilities budget shows several city buildings require extensive roof repairs

Roofs all over the city are going to get fixed this year. At least on some city-owned buildings.

In the annual facilities budget, Chuck Loewen listed several city buildings that required extensive roof repairs, including those at city yards, the museum, the yacht and tennis club and the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre. But topping the list, at least pricewise, is Memorial Arena.

“There have been leaking problems with the roof,” said Loewen, acting city manager. “That’s why we brought this forward.”

However, Loewen told council that for 2013, they were only budgeting $30,000 in the annual facilities capital budget for an assessment of the roof, which would also provide the necessary detail to include in a request for quotes.

“The roof, a few years ago, was projected to be about a $1.6, $1.7 million replacement. We are at the point where we should be replacing it,” said Loewen. “The complication here, is the beams and the structure within the building that may need replacement as well, not just the outer shell.”

Coun. Helen Konanz, however, questioned spending $30,000 on top of the cost to replace the roof, wondering if it couldn’t all be done in a request for proposals process.

“I just have a difficult time putting $30,000 into it. If we put out an RFP for the roof and it ends up being $2 million or more, we can go to the public and ask if they really want to spend that much,” said Konanz. “I think that the public is going to have a tough time spending $2 million on Memorial Arena right now, just for the roof.”

Coun. John Vassilaki spoke in favour of the building, saying that the city could not afford to lose it.

“That should have been done many years ago and then perhaps it wouldn’t be in the state it is today, because to replace that building, you are looking at between $15 and $20 million. A $2 million bill is a bargain, compared to replacing it altogether,” said Vassilaki. “That’s dear to everyone’s heart in Penticton. That building was built with money donated by the citizens of Penticton.”

Council voted unanimously to approve the $1.6 million facilities budget, which also includes $60,000 to finish the museum roof, $4,500 for the yacht and tennis club, and $140,000 for a portion of the trade and convention centre roof.

“Even though the entire roof requires some sort of work, this portion here has multiple blisters, pooling of water and stress lines,” said Loewen. “That is a very high priority.”


Penticton Western News