Memorial service scheduled for 11-year-old longboarder

The service for Dustin Mackenzie of Abbotsford takes place this Saturday.

Dustin Mackenzie

Dustin Mackenzie

A memorial service has been set for this Saturday, June 14 for the Abbotsford boy who died on June 2 following a longboarding accident.

The service for Dustin Mackenzie, 11, takes place at 3 p.m. at Jubilee Park, located at McCallum Road and South Fraser Way. Everyone is welcome.

The service will also include a traditional “blanket ceremony” where gifts can be given to the family.

Dustin, a Grade 5 student at Dormick Park Elementary, died in hospital of a brain injury two days after he fell from his longboard on Bevan Avenue near Cascade Street.

He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

A groundswell of support has since surrounded his family, including single mom Joanne and grandmother Nancy.

Enough cash and food donations have been made to cover the funeral and memorial service.

A roadside memorial in tribute to Dustin continues to grow at the accident scene, and messages continue to be added to the Facebook page “In Loving Memory of Dustin.”

Among the messages is one from Joanne, saying Dustin’s organs have been used to save the lives of five children close to his age.

“Isn’t that amazing? This is what my son wanted to do if something was to ever happen to him,” she wrote.

The family is also supporting efforts to prevent deaths similar to Dustin’s.

Family friend April Perkes made stickers with the message “In Loving Memory of Dustin, Wear Your Helmet” that are being passed out to kids in the community.

“I find a lot of kids don’t like to wear a helmet because their friends aren’t … If this gets a few more kids to step and and wear theirs for Dustin, including my kids, then that’s all that matters,” Perkes posted.

Anyone wishing to donate to the family is asked to contact Jesse Wegenast of 5 and 2 Ministries at 604-798-7332.

Abbotsford News