Menninga throws hat into city council race

Malcolm Menninga is the latest to announce his intention to run for Alberni city council in the November municipal election.

Malcolm Menninga is the latest to announce his intention to run for city council in the November municipal election.

Menninga has created a Facebook page, Malcolm for Port Alberni Council, and says he supports policies “that will grow the population and reduce our taxes.

“As a councillor, my goals are to promote and enhance the image of Port Alberni as a place to live, work and play,” he stated on his Facebook page. “This is the key to our prosperity.”

Menninga is the second person in the past couple of weeks to say they will be running for a council seat. Charles Thomas has also declared his intent.

The election isn’t until Nov. 15. Official nominations open 46 days before the election and close 36 days before (Sept. 30–Oct. 10).

So far two candidates have come forward unofficially for mayor and six for council.

Alberni Valley News